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I Spent My Money on Benchmarking LLMs on Dutch Exams So You Don’t Have To | by Maarten Sukel | Sep, 2024

OpenAI’s new o1-preview is way too expensive for how it performs on the results

Towards Data Science

Many of my customers ask for advice on which LLM (Large Language Model) to use for building products tailored to Dutch-speaking users. However, most available benchmarks are multilingual and don’t specifically focus on Dutch. As a machine learning engineer and PhD researcher into machine learning at the University of Amsterdam, I know how crucial benchmarks have been to the advancement of AI — but I also understand the risks when benchmarks are trusted blindly. This is why I decided to experiment and run some Dutch-specific benchmarking of my own.

In this post, you’ll find an in-depth look at my first attempt at benchmarking several large language models (LLMs) on real Dutch exam questions. I’ll guide you through the entire process, from gathering over 12,000 exam PDFs to extracting question-answer pairs and grading the models’ performance automatically using LLMs. You’ll see how models like o1-preview, o1-mini, GPT-4o, GPT-4o-mini, and Claude-3 performed across different Dutch educational levels, from VMBO to VWO, and whether the higher costs of certain models lead to better results. This is just a first go at the problem, and I may dive deeper with more posts like this in the future, exploring other models and tasks. I’ll also talk about the challenges and costs involved and share some insights on which models offer the best value for Dutch-language tasks. If you’re building or scaling LLM-based products for the Dutch market, this post will provide valuable insights to help guide your choices as of September 2024.

It’s becoming more common for companies like OpenAI to make bold, almost extravagant claims about the capabilities of their models, often without enough real-world validation to back them up. That’s why benchmarking these models is so important — especially when they’re marketed as solving everything from complex reasoning to nuanced language understanding. With such grand claims, it’s vital to run objective tests to see how well they truly perform, and more specifically, how they handle the unique challenges of the Dutch language.

I was surprised to find that there hasn’t been extensive research into benchmarking LLMs for Dutch, which is what led me to take matters into my own hands on a rainy afternoon. With so many institutions and companies relying on these models more and more, it felt like the right time to dive in and start validating these models. So, here’s my first attempt to start filling that gap, and I hope it offers valuable insights for anyone working with the Dutch-language.

Many of my customers work with Dutch-language products, and they need AI models that are both cost-effective and highly performant in understanding and processing Dutch. Although large language models (LLMs) have made impressive strides, most of the available benchmarks focus on English or multilingual capabilities, often neglecting the nuances of smaller languages like Dutch. This lack of focus on Dutch is significant because linguistic differences can lead to large performance gaps when a model is asked to understand non-English texts.

Five years ago, NLP — deep learning models for Dutch were far from mature (Like the first versions of BERT). At the time, traditional methods like TF-IDF paired with logistic regression often outperformed early deep-learning models on Dutch language tasks I worked on. While models (and datasets) have since improved tremendously, especially with the rise of transformers and multilingual pre-trained LLMs, it’s still critical to verify how well these advances translate to specific languages like Dutch. The assumption that performance gains in English carry over to other languages isn’t always valid, especially for complex tasks like reading comprehension.

That’s why I focused on creating a custom benchmark for Dutch, using real exam data from the Dutch “Nederlands” exams (These exams enter the public domain after they have been published). These exams don’t just involve simple language processing; they test “begrijpend lezen” (reading comprehension), requiring students to understand the intent behind various texts and answer nuanced questions about them. This type of task is particularly important because it’s reflective of real-world applications, like processing and summarizing legal documents, news articles, or customer queries written in Dutch.

By benchmarking LLMs on this specific task, I wanted to gain deeper insights into how models handle the complexity of the Dutch language, especially when asked to interpret intent, draw conclusions, and respond with accurate answers. This is crucial for businesses building products tailored to Dutch-speaking users. My goal was to create a more targeted, relevant benchmark to help identify which models offer the best performance for Dutch, rather than relying on general multilingual benchmarks that don’t fully capture the intricacies of the language.

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